Hi there.
Yes, we can see you. Well, sort of anyway. Our stat counter frequently tells us that there's more than a thousand readers a day here. Okay, so some of those are hits from people doing a quick look for pictures (sorry folks) and then moving on. But a lot of you stay and read. Some of you comment (and we're glad of that), but others don't say anything.
This post is for you. Because we understand -- we've all lurked too. It's easy to wonder if your comments would be welcome. Maybe you disagree with something one of us posted (that's fine, fun even). We're all used to disagreement. Or maybe it seems like we just talk to each other and a small circle of friends. It is true we know each other, but we want to know you too.
Go on, post a comment. What about? Anything. Maybe a favorite book?
I'll start. For me, I think my favorite book of all time is Pride and Prejudice (with Jane Eyre running a close second). I read it the first time at 12 and remember loving it then. And every time I've read it since I've found something new to enjoy in the text. What do I love most about it? That both Elizabeth and Darcy have to change and develop. There's something very romantic about that.
Okay, your turn! And if you're a regular or irregular commenter, go ahead and say hi too!
Many thanks to the amazing Bonnie at My Bottom Smarts for organizing Love Our Lurkers day!