The Punishment Book has been sleeping for a bit. I think this is inevitable -- we're all busy with lives and individual blogs. Some of us who are doing discipline and punishment may not want to write about it at the moment. Or maybe feel it's a story we've already told. At the same time, this blog, which was one of the only DD / disipline or WIIWD blogs 7 years ago is now one of many.
But I thought I might tell you what's been up with me. As those of you who read my own blog know, I finally finished my Ph.D. -- which means I lost my job. Paul and I are oddly in the position, for the first time in our relationship where I have to depend on him financially for everything. To put it mildly, this sucks (although he's been lovely about it). I start a new part time job in January so hopefully I'm not going to get to used to it.
Meanwhile, not having money of my own has made me very aware of all my expenses. I don't waste money generally, but I have been making coffee and lunch at home a lot more often. I also have had to face the fact that I have been wasting money for months in one specific area. My gym fees are $49 a month and I haven't been using it. I considered dropping the membership but the thing is I really do need to exercise more -- a yoga DVD here and there and walking isn't really cutting it. Plus, when I go, I enjoy my gym. So I asked Paul to give me 45 strokes of the cane any week I don't go to the gym at least three times.
How did the first week go? I got 49 strokes of the small cane (with my dad sleeping in the next room -- yuck!) on Sunday night. Monday I went to the gym. This week is already going better.
Oh and for those of you still reading... hello again.