I've been trying to compose a detailed post catching everyone up on my life, but it's taking too much time and getting too long-winded. So here's the update: M and I are back together. And doing very well. We are reincorporating discipline back into our relationship (though Chris still has disciplinary power too--now I have multiple tops watching me!). And M has decided that he needs to spank me as close in time to my transgressions as possible. Which means, given my living quarters, that we need a very quiet implement.
Sigh. Show of hands: does anyone know what the quietest spanking implement in the world is?
A wire coat hanger.
That's right. It hurts like hell but is almost completely silent.
Obviously I have a lot of thoughts about this, but I'm interested in others' thoughts and experiences with coat hangers and other nasty [expletive deleted] implements. Have you had one used on you/used one on someone else? Do you hate it? Are you secretly intrigued by it? Does it squick you? (It squicks me a lot, and I'm getting all too used to it.)