So, after a not entirely intentional hiatus over the summer and early fall, W. and I are working on getting our "system" working (again). It's a struggle, and I'll probably wind up posting much more about it later. This stuff is hard work!
We've been going through the rules, and trying to set things up so that 1, they're actually useful for both of us, and 2, so that the consequences work for both of us. And I'm working on getting myself to trust that they will work, which is even more difficult.
One of the issues is lying (and, how unfair is this, she's including "lying by omission," which is my usual tendency, since I'm actually a pretty bad liar face to face). She's looking for ideas about specific punishments for telling lies. (I think being required to play 200 rounds of Word Whomp online would be a fitting punishment, but I think she'd disagree.)
W's also going to be getting her blog up and running, and plans to be asking a lot more questions this time around. When that's been done, I'll probably post about it, and encourage people to surf over and comment there.
Also, on a somewhat related note, if anyone knows of a DD-type forum where the people don't do the whole "this setup works because men are naturally more responsible and women are weak, and that's how God ordained things to be" thing, and where they won't object to a same-sex couple, it would be really helpful if you could let me know.
Thanks. I'll hopefully post in more detail when I have longer than 15 minutes to do so.